Saturday, August 18, 2012


Did I mention that I'm a BZZAGENT???  It's the word of mouth marketing that I just seem, well, designed to do!  I LOVE talking about products that actually work!  I'm STILL talking about my Dr. Scholl's For Her High Heel inserts, my Neutrogena lip balm AND under eye concealer, my "Brew Over Ice" K-Cups ("half and half" from Celestial Seasonings is my favorite so far!), and I'm STILL using Felippo Berio olive oil.  Other family members STILL use Bzzagent product.  Kimberly uses the Claritin Syrup or tablets when she gets the sniffles, the dogs THOROUGHLY enjoyed the Hill's Science Diet Ideal Balance dog food (would you believe me if I told you they asked for it by name??), and mom and I are still taking the Lipogen for our memory (see how I remembered all my Bzzagent freebies since I became a Bzzagent???).

I HAD to recap, I just LOVE being a Bzzagent, and I'm STILL talking about all of my previous Bzzagent campaigns.  I will get to the REAL reason behind this blog, though, I PROMISE!

My newest campaign was the Covergirl and Olay Tone Rehab 2-in-1 Foundation and Pressed Powder.  When I first got the box I had NO idea what to expect, but I was excited to find a full ounce of the 2-in-1 foundation (Covergirl foundation with Olay "swirled" in), and a full pressed powder.  I took the "before" picture, the one that includes my VERY expensive Estee Lauder creams and Clinique foundation (over $55 a pop, and, since being laid off, that has GOT to stop coming out of the budget).
Oily much??  and I STILL have my pregnancy mask and wrinkles!

So, I have oily skin, fine lines and wrinkles, and some broken capillaries around my nose.  I am just now getting used to overall coverage on my face, and that, to me, STILL feels like I'm "caking on" my makeup.  I just don't like it.  I have the oily face, and I sweat like crazy, so, in the summer I just don't like feeling like my makeup is running down my face.  My routine is wrinkle cream, moisturizer, foundation, and then powder.  That is a LOT of steps for a girl that really doesn't "puff and fluff" as we call it down here!  I would LOVE for my routine to take me no more than 15 minutes, especially if my hair is already straight!  I am a low maintenance kind of girl, even though my skin care regiment doesn't prove that fact!

I'm ready to apply the new Covergirl and Olay products, and I'm debating what to do!  All I need is the 2-in-1 foundation, the pressed powder, some mascara, and a little bit of my Blastflipstick (from Covergirl, of course!), and I'm done?  That CAN'T be all!  But it is!

oooh, smooth!  Wrinkle and shine free!

The FIRST thing I noticed was the smell!  Crazy, right???  Did you know your foundation could have such a PLEASANT scent??  It smelled great!!  I used my makeup brush (I don't use sponges or my fingers anymore, and I use the makeup brush to evenly spread my foundation), and the smell was amazing!  I think I chose the wrong color for my kit, but that's an EASY fix!  My mom would look great in this shade, and I can go buy more with all the coupons I received in my bzzkit!  I think I had FABULOUS coverage all day today, and that included being hot and sweaty in my kitchen while I was cooking for a reunion...not to mention socializing in a VERY HOT church hall (ironic, isn't it??  haha).  I got a little shiny today, but, for the most part, the coverage was AMAZING.  The application was smooth, the coverage was great AND long lasting, and the ONLY thing I would change would be the color (at least for my summer tan).  It felt great knowing I was done with my face in under a minute (my face alone usually takes 3-5 minutes, and I do spend a little longer on my eyes), but I was also getting the moisturizer I've grown accustomed to.

This product is FABULOUS, and I WILL be recommending it to everyone (in fact, I talked about it with at least ten of the women in my family today, all while trying to fit in everything else I love about being a Bzzagent...see paragraph 1, hahaha).  My cousin, my mom, and my aunt will all be getting coupons, and I'm making time to meet some of my other cousins around town to give them their coupons!

I LOVE being a Bzzagent, and now I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Covergirl and Olay together!  I was going to title these my "before" and my "forever after" picturs, but I'll save that for my Bzzreport!

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